407-951-8812 office@bkellyphd.net

Psychological Evaluations

Psychological evaluations can be beneficial in understanding psychological symptoms, clarifying psychological diagnoses and developing an appropriate treatment plan for children, adolescents and adults. Evaluations can be request by a client, physician, mental health professional, attorney or other professional. If you are unsure if a psychological evaluation is appropriate to meet your needs, you may schedule a consultation session with one of our clinicians to address your questions.

If you would like to use insurance benefits for your visit, we will take your insurance information over the phone and verify your benefits for you. Our clinicians accept a number of insurance plans. If your clinician is a provider for your plan, we will submit your insurance for you. If you have out of network benefits we will assist you with the information needed for you to submit your claim.

For more information, please contact our office.

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